a knife that stabs both the master and the victim

Adelia hugs Hero. "Isn't that kind of experience we can be good parents? My parents are messy too Hero, but my dad fixed the problem and gave me the perfect family. I didn't ask to be like them, I just asked us to both try to fight for it together." Adelia cupped her face against her husband's cheek. "Or I will sue you for fraud for trapping me in this business marriage with your bullshit about love."

Hero chuckled. “Oh! You can't use your skills as a lawyer when we fight honey. That's cheating!” Hero chuckled lightly with his wife.

“I'd do anything to get to you, you know that? I don't care if I have to find some underhanded way!”

Hero chuckled. He nuzzled his wife's neck. "I really miss this scent," whispered Hero. The man leaned his wife against the wall. He seduced his wife there. Hero didn't have time to bring Adelia into a room that was no more than ten steps away from the man. how could he say he was fed up with Adelia when he was so dependent on that woman.

"I'll kill you if y
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