proposes to Ziva unromantic

Ziva played with her feet bored waiting for the scene she was acting in. They had come in the morning but were able to do the take because the main character of that scene didn't want to go to the shooting location yet. Incidents like this are used dilakoninya.

"I'm sick of things like this," Gery protested at Ziva.

"You have to be patient Gerry. This is not the first time something like this has happened to us. We can play with the crew in a bit.”

Gerry shook his head. "You can't when you're ready with your costume for the scene later. Damn it! Just because he got credit in his first film he felt the upper hand compared to you, Ziva. He had forgotten he was once a very good junior bowing respectfully to you. If you don't give up that role for him he might not be in the position he is now."

"Gery, come on!" Ziva is lazy there is a commotion.

“I'm sure everyone around here is saying the same thing, Ziva. You deserve this role more than that arrogant girl.” Gery grunted while Ziva saw t
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