100| Go to the Shadow City

Eryk leads Alyssa and Joker, and their summoned spirits into the empty Rockwool prison. They were surprised to see the contents of the prison, which were completely different from what Eryk had imagined about the concept of prison.

"It's like a magic room."

Eryk muttered while watching every prison cell that was there. There was no iron like the image he had of a conventional prison. All of them were separated by a magic wall made of powerful runes.

"Only the strongest summoners can guard and control this prison," Joker added. "Who else, if not him? So, do not be surprised if he chooses to languish in prison. In addition to controlling this building, he is also in control of the entire Rockwool City."

"And we, the summoners who entered into a pact with the guardian summoners, are working outside to gather the destroyer summoners who are wreaking havoc. We will imprison the summoner here and freeze the summoned spirit in the mansion." Alyssa added.

"If the summoner and the summoned spi
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