-Chaper 17- Time Arrived-

- Ding -

- Combining in process 1%, 20%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% success -

,, Finally come on system what sub-elv Races did it upgrade to "


- Congratulations Host for Awakening the sub-elv race Supreme Dark-Storm Blood Elv -

,, After the system sounded a red light started to enter Kai's body after a few minutes the light completely vanished and Kai could be seen again this time again he changed completely "

,, He had now grown up to 190 centimeter in hight his light braun hair had now a strain of silver in it his body became a little muscular and his skin became more smoother and looked more healthy his left eye changed crimson red and is right eye was still blue "

,, Oh..man I changed so much again if this continues I won't have anything left from my old me Oh well who cares but I fell so powerful suddenly as if I could destroy a hole building "

,, When I was still in thoughts I heard the system nonfiction again "


-Hidden Quest-

- Combine Races-

[REWARD] - 3 level up, 10 po
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