The distance between the kitchen and the entrance was somewhat far and due to the redesign, it’s hard to see through the counter that separates the main dining area and the kitchen.

As such, they couldn’t see Anthony without being hinted to look directly at him and that’s how he’s staying out of their sight.

Anthony’s hearing had improved slightly ever since he woke up and the chocolate complexion man was loud when he talked which allowed Anthony to hear when they called his name.

Knowing that this involves him somehow, Anthony activated his glowing eyes and checked the energy around the men, seeing that they had guns and were ready to use them if necessary and then he turned off the ability.

Anthony grunted as he crossed his arms “I don’t know them from anywhere so what could they want with me?” He mumbled

Michael and Casey looked at each other in confusion.

Michael looked back at the man, chuckling nervously “I’m sorry sir but I think you’re in the wrong place. There’s no employee
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