The Mugging

Should he tell Lorna first ?Hush no ! She was a panic type.easy to panics. People who panic will only add the trouble and making things worse.

So, okay, he'll just deal with it on his own first. He has to go to the police station as soon as possible. Or the hospital? To make sure where to go first, he called someone at the police station.

Yes true and it's a difficult process.Brady only has to feel confident on himself to cope the issue.Surely he had to cancel his plan to go overseas and faced the issue It's such a trial for his family .

Various stories come to him but still he should listen to all the different version about what had happened to Elard .Axel phoned him with a story while other Elard 'pals told him differently.

He sighed.His mind was like a fragile tree with lots of branches.

Lorna had made all the permutations for his son engagement party within this month but now he involved with the police.What a terrible issue!

But who can give a better story other than
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