Ansel is smiling like he has won some kind of lottery and at this point, Duke is convinced that his sister has gotten down with a psychopath.

" Tell me. " Ansel puts his hand against his chin. " How did you find out?"

" It was all your master plan, wasn't it?" Duke fires back his question. " Why don't you tell me?"

Ansel lets out a happy exhale and then looks at Duke.

" Well, I am going to tell you. It all started when you won't just let Eden and I be. " Ansel starts. " God, you were such a pain and I wanted you gone. I couldn't be directly involved with trying to kill you because your sister will find out. So I plotted it out."

" It wasn't hard for you, was it?" Duke nods.

" Absolutely not. " Ansel beams. " Not when I have every leader of the military on my payroll, including the freaking president! It took one call to send you straight to Padre island!"

" Where your boys were working and where Ethan was your intern." Duke looks out of the window, almost speaking to himself.

" E
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