" General." Duke acknowledges him with a nod. " This is unexpected. "

" Indeed, it is." He grunts.

" To what do I owe this visit?" Duke asks. " It has been a while since I last saw you, to be honest."

" You are being invited to the office for questioning." General John says. " You are to come immediately."

" What for?" Duke shrugs. " I thought you guys didn't want anything to do with me anymore?"

" Quit the questions and come with us, son. " General John groans. " For once, stop being such a pain."

" Why does this look like an arrest to me?" Bloom chimps in. " Why bring this number of soldiers just to invite him in?"

" Watch who you speak to, son? " General John warns him. " You have forgotten that you can be dealt with massively."

" Leave him out of this, I am the one you came for," Duke warns. He pushes Bloom behind him.

" Come with us, General." He says. ", The longer you linger, the harder it gets for all of us."

" I'm sorry, General John, but that won't be possible," Duke t
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