Eighty four

Jackson was led toward the board room and in his mind, he thought that things between Lord Owens and him were gonna be professional.

It was an opportunity to see himself invited to Red's Angels and get to see Lord Nigel Owens up close. He felt so lucky.

He was gonna use the opportunity to render his services to Lord Owens because working with him will not only give him money but it will give him protection.

He walked proudly with a smirk on his face. He was going to boast to the security showing him the way but he decided to keep shut.

Seeing how big Red's Angel is, he knew that if he was gonna succeed in doing business with Lord Owens, he could be among his executives and this place could be his new home.

Damn it, what good has he done to deserve this?

They finally got to the board room and the door was opened for him. He proudly entered only to find his son on one of the chairs wrapped tight and his mouth taped.

He blinked and looked at Lord Owens who sat comfortably on the superior
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