You have to remember

*** *** ***

Trish rushed into Jonas' apartment, darting furtive glances everywhere, making sure she wasn't being followed.

She could crash at Jonas' place till she finds a solution to her predicament.

"What are you doing here?" Jonas asks her, muting the TV, "And why do you look like you are running away from someone?"

"I'm in trouble." Trish breathed out, rushing to his side, "Big trouble."

Jonas frowned at her, Trish was never the one to get in trouble, infact, she has never been in trouble.

He studies her, her face was puffy, her eyes red and baggy, evidence of lack of sleep. Something was really wrong.

"I know you don't believe me, but I swear, it's more than you can imagine."

"What's it?"

",I tried selling off the headquarters since there was nothing special about it and it laid on ruins."

"Okayyy...." Jonas frowned, not liking where her conversation was leading to.

Trish blinked at him, taken aback, "huh... Are you not surprised or angry??"

Jonas glared at her, trying to keep
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