Chapter 27.

The next day, Mr. Peter prepared to meet with Mr. Jude In abide by them to sign the documents. He went with Mark's lawyer who would supervise everything.

He met Mr. Jude waiting for him in the restaurant they booked. The deal was done and everything was transferred to Mr. Peter's name. He paid Mr. Jude before they shook hands and he left. He informed Mark of the success of the deal and announced that everything now belongs to him.

Mark felt very happy and immediately prepared to go bring Michelle back from her mother's place.

He knew if he went alone, his mother-in-law would not let him so he decided to involve the police so she would not have any excuse as to the reason why she wouldn't let Michelle go with him.

After the day's work, he went straight to the police station to request that some policemen would follow him to his mother-in-law's place and they agreed after he made his complaint.

He went with the police to her place, on getting to his mother-in-law's place, the security p
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