Chapter 28.

Mark stood behind the kitchen counter stirring the curry in the saucepan.

It was his day off from work, so he decided to prepare lunch and give Michelle a treat as she was tired of eating pizzas.

He added a little quantity of water to the curry before paying attention to Michelle.

He asked her to repeat the question she asked him earlier and she did. "How do you find our environment? Isn't it looking a little bit strange to you?" he heard her ask from the sitting room.

"No, It is okay. it is quiet and serene just as it had always been and I like it," Mark replied, still stirring the curry.

"What about the new neighbors?" Michelle asked him.

"They are cool, at least they ain't troublesome and loud," Mark replied with admiration for their new neighbors who live next door.

They were old married couples who were over seventy and still very much healthy and in love with each other. They trim the flowers together, attend to their cats together and also go out together.

Mark wished for t
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