Amelia, said Daniella. She became anxious because Amelia had gone quiet. Daniella addey, if you don't agree, then forget about it.

Daniella knew Amelia well. She knew that she had to put the squeeze on Amelia at the most crucial moment.

Just as Daniella was about to end the call, Amelia suddenly reply, for the sake of Ava's future, I will give it my all.

Okay, Amelia here is what you would do... Daniella quickly shared her plan with Amelia.

So, you are witholding your plan. You must not let anything go wrong. If you fail, then all our efforts will go to waste.

Don't worry, I will get it done this time, Amelia promised as she clenched her jaw.

Thirty minutes later, Ava left her meeting at the Bailey Group and hurried over to her parents house.

"Dad, what happened to mom?" Ava asked anxiously the moment she stepped into the house.

She's lying down in there. Joseph was frantic too. He frowned and said, I had just returned home and saw her lying in bed. Her face was all white and she kept
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