Chapter 25

“Why do you have to always be rude to me?” Richardson demanded into the phone in a low voice.

Mr Landlord, Mr Morris, spluttered once again.

Mr Morris had always known Richardson to be pathetically poor. He’s always owing his rent before he’d finally pay everything completely.

Mr Morris was confused and taken aback by Richardson’s weird attitude. He’d have normally already began to plead for more time to gather money for his rent.

No matter how much Mr Morris mock and walk over him, Richardson never complained, he took everything quietly, which made it turn into a habit.

Which is why Mr Morris is currently confused, because he had been expecting Richardson to instantly began to plead for more time, and not Richardson talking to him this way.

Which made him become furious.

“What do you mean by that stupid question?” Mr Morris demanded. Richardson’s scoff was loud in his ear, which made him more shocked.

“I meant what I had asked. Why do you have to always be rude to me? You’ve
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