My Beautiful New Enemy and the Sudden Trial

I don't know what happened after the duel because everything was quiet, and dark, and I couldn't hear a thing. It felt like I was falling asleep without a dream and suddenly I smelled a pungent aroma and it brought my consciousness back. It feels like I've only been resting for a while, but now I have to be awakened again.

My eyes felt so heavy when I tried to open them, but I felt I had to get up. Maybe I'm too used to waking up with the light of dawn, that I feel I have to get up soon. But I felt something cold touching the skin of my chest so I really woke up.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but now there is no longer that excruciating pain. I blinked my eyes and saw that Nola was using something and putting it on my chest skin, that's what made me feel a cold object touching my chest skin.

"Nola?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

“You're awake? Can you see me clearly?” she asked in a curt tone.

I narrowed my eyes. Slowly Nola's face began to be seen clearly. I nodded, answering
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