Sudden meeting.
In my life, all the things I want are always away from life. I told my mom once.

"Mom... why is it that the things I want are always so far away and so hard to get?"

I said it when I was heartbroken that my childhood friend was dating the person she liked, which was our senior a high school student. It was a past I wanted to forget, just remembering it always made me feel sick somewhere.

My mother simply replied, "That's life Rey!"

"What do you mean? Can you explain it to me?"

"Ah ... I can't answer that now Rey!"say it with a gentle smile.

Until her passing, she had not given me that answer, only the feeling of loss was overwhelming when I saw her buried in the cemetery.

Indeed it was my fault, since entering high school and afflicted by various problems, I closed myself a little from my mother, I closed myself because the problems I faced were so heavy that I could not say it because it could embarrass my parents, even though the truth was just slander.

I couldn't give her anything y
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