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“O, the wind that follows, become my spear, strike true!”

Lifting his hand as he aimed it at Red, Bahamut conjured multiple wind spears that materialized above him, launching themselves one by one toward Red.

Red would only conjure his windshield once more, repeating the process of creating one larger spear to counterattack.

“——Tch.” Bahamut clicked his tongue, pushing himself out of the way as he dodged an attack once more.

Red had always only come up with a ranged counterattack if he had attacked from a distance, however, even if he did also close the distance and tried to force Red into close combat, his light magic was too fast to dodge.

Blinking would do nothing and turn around would only make his back open.

The battle duration was an hour, and it had been 30 minutes since their battle started, making this the first battle of the tournament to ever last.

“What's wrong? You've run out of ideas?” Red scoffed as he was trying to provoke Bahamut.

Bahamut himself was aware of it,
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