Chapter 136: Date

Thomas POV

I wanted to go out on a date with Grace and as we were making plans an unknown number called me.

It was Natalia again,she has been calling me and crying to give her a job.

Grace told me to give Natalia the job and after that we can continue going on planning our date.

She said she wanted it as a gift.

I could only give her what she wanted.

The only reason why I came along with her was so I could see my old room in Mr Gabriel's mansion.

I just wanted to tell my past self that I made it, it felt nice.

Natalia finished cleaning the mansion and she did a good job.

I paid her and she wasn't staring at me anymore but had her head bowed in defeat.

I don't understand why she was dressed so tattered and her hair was messy but I didn't bother asking.

I told her to come to the company tomorrow.

The company that I bought from Mr Gabriel, workers were lacking. At least she can keep the place clean before I get it back to a better position, if she does a bad job I will fire her.

After e
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