Paid in blood

She still couldn’t move. She let herself be dragged quite easily. She still couldn’t do anything. He put her on the second floor, while he left to go get Megumi. She wasn’t sure if she still had anything on her. But even the idiot Takashi couldn’t kill her, she wouldn’t let this bastard do so.

Eisuke watched from his position at the top. He had done what he was meant to. A bullet to the gas canisters on the ground floor. Just with a bullet, all the way from the third floor. Which was the top floor. He had seen the drama between both brothers? And now he was watching Hayata work.

This was his domain.

This was where he dominated.

He sat where he perched and put both hands under his chin. Thinking. They were all dirty gangsters. Each and every one of them, but Hayata. What really separated both of the fields? Okay there were significant differences, but all of them in this room was as guilty as the other.

He could end all of it here. There would be nothing linking him to their deaths, if
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