Decisions Decisions

Megumi kept a close eye on Hayata as her legs crossed the railing. Her sword out and pointed at him. She tried not to glance at her sister. She knew she was alive. She was just resting. Just like she did when they fought Takahiro.

“We never did talk did we Meg” he said moving around on the waffle floor. “I saw you the first and only time I came to your mansion. You were so cute. All dressed pretty, and you had ribbons in your hair. I talked with Sachi and she hated me the minute she saw me” he sighed.

“Maybe because I was the first child. Or maybe even in her imperfect world, she thought she had a little perfection and I ruined that” he smiled at her. “And now look at her” he gestured to her prone body. “So peaceful”.

Megumi grit her teeth and stepped forward.

“She isn’t dead though. You two are so attached……and as a big brother, I wouldn’t deprive you two the displeasure of not dying together”.

Megumi attacked. Swinging her sword fast and Hayata dodged. They were on uneven ground, so
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