Instantly, the girl froze and was filled with regret for what she just did as everyone’s eyes were on her. They couldn’t believe she could do that, especially with Modella there

Modella snapped her fingers “You, come here with your phone and don’t act like your innocent 'cause we all know what you did” Modella said to her as the other girls shifted from her.

They created a path for the girl to pass and she shamefully walked over to Modella and Johnathan.

“Give me your phone and make sure it’s unlocked,” Modella said, opening her hand and waiting to receive the phone.

The girl gave it to her and she looked at what picture she just took was.

As she suspected, it was a picture of Johnathan and from the looks of it, the girl wanted to have proof that he was Mr. J when she eventually spreads the rumor.

“I don’t need you to tell me what your reason for doing this is because I’ve had thousands of people like you trying to do the same to me when I first blew up,” Modella said as she entered t
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