
The desert felt like it was burning their skin, so they used robes to cover their bodies and heads. The sun, soon supposed to be approaching winter, was not what it used to be.

He saw a figure in front of him, his vision blurred by the heat too high for the hot air to create mirages that often confused him.

"Hey here!" the screams that sounded made him sure that what he saw was no longer an illusion, so he stepped faster. When he arrived inside the colder cave, he immediately threw himself on the ground floor—then adjusted his breath slowly.

"It's really like hell outside, it's been half a year since we fled here and this place is terrible. Is there a desert this wide in this country?"

He took the drink offered to him. He sat down and his head ached, the hot sun made him tired. He also drank quickly until he coughed and the person who had given him the drink earlier hit his shoulder in annoyance.

“You made it spill! You think getting water here is easy!?” the woman's voice was shrill,
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