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And Then There Were Four Hot Chapters: Ivy's Primal Awakening Amidst Supernatural Lust and Power Struggles

Creation time: Mar 29 2024Update time: Mar 29 2024216

Summary of And Then There Were Four


"And Then There Were Four" by Lillith Carrie is a gripping Werewolf novel that immerses readers in Ivy Thorne's unexpected journey into a world of mystery and primal allure. Set against the backdrop of her father's enigmatic estate, Ivy finds herself entangled with the four alluring godson brothers, each harboring secrets and supernatural abilities. As tensions rise and forbidden desires ignite, Ivy discovers a world of shape-shifting wolves and dangerous power struggles that threaten her newfound existence.


With 543 chapters, 143.7K views, and an impressive 9.5-star rating, this novel promises an enthralling blend of romance, intrigue, and the supernatural.


Dive into the mesmerizing pages of "And Then There Were Four" and uncover the secrets that bind Ivy to the enigmatic brothers!


Plot of And Then There Were Four

Ivy Thorne has just started her studies in agricultural sciences at the University of Idaho. To her surprise, she is not staying in the dorms but instead at her estranged father's vast estate in the remote countryside. Her father is an extremely wealthy but mysterious figure who became successful through undisclosed business dealings. Ivy is not looking forward to living under the same roof as her cold stepmother Allison and Allison's four godson wards - Damian, James, Talon, and Hale. From the moment Ivy arrives, there is clear tension and animosity between her and this unusual household.


As Ivy settles into her cozy cottage on the estate grounds, she keeps running into the four godson brothers who are all strikingly attractive but treat her with disdain, especially the eldest Damian. However, Ivy cannot deny the undercurrent of something primal and attractive simmering under the surface with these men. Her curiosity is piqued even more when odd events start occurring that hint at the brothers not being what they seem. Ivy witnesses them displaying incredible speed, strength, and even glowing eyes at times. There are cryptic warnings from her new friend about the brothers being dangerous.


Tensions escalate when James cannot resist his powerful draw to Ivy and the two nearly mate before being discovered by an outraged Damian. It becomes clear that the brothers are supernatural beings with Damian as their alpha leader. Ivy is both terrified and intrigued to learn they are a pack of shape-shifting wolves. Despite Damian's strict rules against being involved with a human, Ivy's presence has awoken an intense primal lust in James, Talon, and Hale as well. A struggle for dominance ensues between the brothers as their wolf instincts are ignited by Ivy.


As Ivy navigates the complex world of the shape-shifter pack, she finds herself unwittingly at the center of a conflict that extends well beyond the brothers. Her father's business dealings are revealed to be closely tied to the welfare of the pack. There are also rivals and outside forces that see Ivy as a threat due to her unknown role. Allison, who is not human herself, is bitterly opposed to Ivy's presence and any opportunity for her to strengthen her bond with the pack. Ivy is turned into a pawn in the midst of supernatural power struggles. Her path will shape the future of her father's empire and whether the rival forces can be kept at bay. But most importantly, it will determine if she can exist between the worlds of human and shape-shifter.


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Main Characters in And Then There Were Four


Ivy Thorne

Intelligent, independent, and passionate about her studies, Ivy exhibits a strong-willed and determined nature. Despite her initial reserve, she possesses an innate curiosity and a desire for adventure, which often leads her into unexpected situations. Beneath her cautious exterior lies a fierce spirit that refuses to be intimidated, even in the face of overwhelming circumstances.



Exuding an aura of dominance and authority, Damian is a complex character with a commanding presence. His brooding demeanor and intense gaze conceal a deep sense of responsibility and a fierce protective instinct, particularly towards those he considers his own. Beneath his gruff exterior beats a heart torn between primal urges and a desire for control, creating a captivating internal conflict.



With a charming and easygoing personality, James possesses a magnetic allure that draws others to him. His playful nature and captivating smile belie a deeper complexity, as he grapples with intense desires that challenge his self-control. James embodies the struggle between indulging in temptation and maintaining restraint, creating a compelling character arc.



Exuding an air of intensity and focus, Talon's character is marked by unwavering determination and a no-nonsense demeanor. His stoic exterior masks a deeper well of emotions that he grapples with, creating a compelling contrast. Talon's journey explores the dichotomy between his steadfast principles and the overwhelming pull of his desires, creating a multifaceted and intriguing character.



With a warm and approachable demeanor, Hale possesses a lighthearted spirit that serves as a counterpoint to the intensity of his brothers. However, beneath his easygoing facade lies a deep well of loyalty and a protective instinct that can unleash a fiercely passionate side when those he cares for are threatened. Hale's character arc explores the delicate balance between embracing his desires and maintaining the integrity of his relationships.



Allison is Ivy's stepmother portrayed as a cunning and manipulative character, Allison's cold exterior conceals a deep-seated resentment and a hunger for power. Her actions are often driven by self-interest and a desire to maintain control over her domain, making her a formidable adversary for those who stand in her way.


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Hot Chapters of And Then There Were Four


Chapter 9

This chapter builds tension as Ivy asserts her independence against Damian's domineering attitude. After an intimate encounter with James is disrupted by Damian and the other brothers barging in, Ivy stands up to Damian's attempts to control her. Despite feeling aroused by his commanding presence, she firmly tells them all to leave her home. An argument ensues where Damian warns Ivy sternly to stay away from him and his brothers. Although shaken, Ivy refuses to back down, countering his condescension. The chapter leaves Ivy confused by her turbulent emotions after their confrontation.


Chapter 56

The chapter opens with Ivy walking in on a tense scene - Damian intimately engaging with another woman while the brothers look on. Still harboring feelings for Damian after past events, Ivy is hurt and angry by this brazen display. An exchange of biting remarks reveals her history with the brothers and Damian's swift romantic shift. Despite the shock, Ivy maintains her composure and deflects the insults. Hale, unrecognizable from who Ivy knew, questions her unexpected presence. Tension mounts as buried emotions resurface, straining the complex dynamics between Ivy and this supernatural pack.


Main Theme of And Then There Were Four

The main theme of the And Then There Were Four by Lillith Carrie novel revolves around the exploration of forbidden desires and the struggle between societal norms and primal instincts. It delves into the complexities of navigating temptation and the consequences of succumbing to raw passion, challenging the boundaries of conventional relationships and societal expectations.


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Author Introduction

Lillith Carrie, the author of "And Then There Were Four," is a seasoned writer with a penchant for the werewolf genre. Known for crafting gripping narratives filled with tension and complex relationships, Carrie's writing style draws readers into worlds where the supernatural meets raw human emotion. Among her works are titles like "And Then There Were Five," "Marked By Fate," and "His Lonely Reign: Dark Heart Series Book One." With a focus on werewolves, Carrie's stories often explore themes of identity, power, and desire. While details about the author's background are scarce, her body of work stands as a testament to her skill in weaving captivating tales within the supernatural realm.


Writing Style

The novel excerpt displays a narrative writing style. It employs a plot-driven approach, introducing characters and developing a story to convey a message. The writing is vividly descriptive, utilizing sensory details and figurative language to paint a vivid picture for the reader. The dialogue between characters is realistic and contributes to the progression of the story. The narrative style effectively draws the reader into the world of the characters and their experiences.


Point of View

The point of view employed in the And Then There Were Four by Lillith Carrie is a third-person limited perspective. The narrative is told from the perspective of the protagonist, Ivy, allowing the reader to access her thoughts, feelings, and perceptions directly. While the reader experiences the story through Ivy's lens, the narration remains in the third person, using pronouns like "she" and "her" when referring to Ivy. This point of view allows for a deep exploration of Ivy's character while also maintaining a degree of objectivity in the storytelling.


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, And Then There Were Four by Lillith Carrie promises a captivating journey of self-discovery, desire, and the exploration of relationships in a world where the supernatural intertwines with the everyday. Readers are encouraged to dive into this intriguing tale on GoodNovel's website or app.



Q: What is the novel "And Then There Were Four" about?

A: The novel follows Ivy Thorne, a young woman who moves to her estranged father's property and encounters four mysterious brothers with supernatural abilities. She finds herself drawn to them, despite the tensions and conflicts that arise.

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