Chapter 135: Born to be King.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the elders sat in somber silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they waited for their prince’s return. Jesse's watch seemed to tick louder with every passing second, a constant reminder of Adonis's absence. They all shared the same unspoken hope that Adonis would return safely, that his plan had succeeded.

Suddenly, the room was jolted by the abrupt entrance of an excited messenger, who burst into the chamber with breathless urgency. "The prince is back!" the messenger exclaimed, unable to contain his joy.

Without hesitation, the elders and Jesse rushed outside, their faces alight with anticipation. Their hearts swelled with relief and joy as they laid eyes on Adonis and Valerie, who walked toward the palace in a regal and triumphant manner. Adonis, his presence commanding, strode majestically with Valerie by his side, a living testament to the successful rescue.

Jesse approached them, his relief was obvious as he greeted the prince with a deep bow. Adon
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