Chapter 104


Marissa was upset and disappointed at both Axel and herself

Just when they are supposed to work together to catch whoever the criminal is

A little argument just sprang up and now Axel won't even talk to her

She has been to his room for the fifth time in an hour but he would not even open the door

She had no one to talk to or someone to trust

At the moment, Axel is the only reliable one.

The knock on her window interrupted the little conversation she was having with herself

She turned and was surprised to see Colin

"What are you doing here?" She whisper yelled as she opened the window aiding him inside the room

"I came because I missed you so much" Colin hugged her

"Colin" she called and slowly disengaged the hug "You almost died. You shouldn't be moving around already"

"I appreciate the care but I am okay now" Colin said while stretching his body

"No you are not" Marissa forced him to sit on the bed "You can't keep moving around until we find the person we poisoned you"

"So you e
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