Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Marissa turned on the light of her phone, searching through the forest carefully where her ring fell

After going deep into the forest, some minutes later she found it on the ground covered in sand

A smile appeared on her face as she bent to pick it up and dust it

"I though I lost you" she kissed it and wore it back in her ring finger

She sighed, relieved that she found the ring and turned to leave but she does not seems to remember how she got to the place she is right now.

"I am not lost, am I?" She asked herself as she decided to walk down straight

Hoping it would lead her back to the camp site

Few minutes after walking, it occured to her she was going deep into the forest

It was dark and her phone could die anytime soon

Fear gripped her at the thought of passing a night in the forest

What if some wild animals appear and then eat her as dinner

She would definitely taste delicious

But dieing in that way was definitely not part of her plan.

She assured herself
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