Situation out of control

Robert hugged his daughter and walked slowly to a corner to cover his daughter, the thieves who were quite nervous did not say anything and walked towards the cashier.

Who simply raised her hands while they pointed at her head. "Hand over the money from the register and I won't have to kill you, miss."

The woman nodded trying to stay calm but the tremor in her hands showed that she was dying of fear, after opening the cash register she began to put the money in a paper bag that they gave her.

Lisa who was trembling clung to her father like a little koala while Robert caressed her back "Don't worry about anything Lisa, dad is with you and everything will pass."

Even though he said those words he knew that he was in danger if the thieves tried to do something so he closed his eyes and focused on his system to find something that could help him.

...Welcome Host 981d7 (Robert Adams) to the Technological Advancement System...

…Missions (1)…



The first thing he could see was that he had an active mission so when he opened the missions menu he had to swallow saliva for what he saw.

…Emergency mission: A group of rookie thieves are robbing the waffle kingdom…

…Survive the robbery to unlock the buddy system and get former KGB agent Alina Petrova as a bodyguard…

…Penalty for missing Absolute death…

Robert, seeing the details of the mission, took a deep breath, so he decided to make a risky decision, but one that could guarantee the survival of his and his daughter.

To do this, he opened his eyes and hugged his daughter, he began to slowly crawl towards the bathrooms while the thieves were focused on stealing the money.

Although the path wasn't too long, each time he advanced Robert turned his head to see if any of the thieves were looking at him, luckily he managed to reach the bathroom where he went into the women's bathroom.

Where he took off his shirt with which he managed to tie the door so that it could not be opened, however while he was doing that a woman came out of the bathroom cubicle and looked at Robert in horror.

"What the hell are you doing pervert!"

Robert turned his head and placed his finger in his mouth to silence the woman "There's a fucking group of three robbers outside with long guns robbing the establishment and I'm pretty sure they're rookies.

If you yell louder they will know we are here and they could kill us, if you want to help you should dial 911"

The woman did not want to believe Robert's words but when she saw the girl trembling hugging his foot she could only bite her lip before dialing 911, the thieves on her part had no idea what was happening in bathroom.

But what none of them knew is that at the time of day they chose to rob the waffle kingdom, it was frequented by a couple of federal policemen who liked to eat the famous waffle tower to have energy during their office work.

In the local parking lot a black Chevrolet Suburban was parked while a redheaded woman looked at her partner "Matthew I hope you remember what they asked us in the office because the truth is that you don't pay attention."

Matthew an Afro-American agent who was chewing gum laughed "Haha, the great agent Amanda didn't pay attention to a few simple requests from her colleagues."

Patting Amanda, she raised her thumb "You don't have to worry, your great partner has everything on his cell phone, I knew something like this could happen…"

It was at that moment that her words were interrupted when her patrol radio came on "We have a 10-92 in progress in the waffle kingdom of downtown Chicago, immediate support is requested from any nearby units."

Amanda took the radio and looked seriously at Matthew "This is agent Amanda and agent Matthew, we are in the parking lot of the waffle kingdom, we have some idea of the power of the thieves' fire."

"According to the call we received, it is about three individuals who have long weapons and ski masks, it is estimated at least 15 people are in the central part of the building and another 3 are hidden in the women's bathroom where the woman who reported the crime is."

Amanda and Matthew put their headphones on before taking their weapons and leaving the patrol car, however, while they were accidentally getting out, one of the thieves could see them, so he raised his AR15 and started shooting.

The two FBI agents took cover in their patrol while they were being shot, Robert who was listening to the noises of the shots looked at the bathroom quite desperately until he noticed the ventilation system on the ceiling since there were no windows.

Wasting no time, he climbed up to the toilets and after removing one of the ceiling panels he could see the solid ventilation system that could take him outside the building.

"Lisa come quickly, dad is going to put you in the ventilation system."

The little girl who was holding her stuffed animal walked to the bathroom where Robert carried her up into the ventilation system, then looked at the woman who was shaking with her cell phone to her ear.

"Quickly see that we have to get out of this place, we don't have to be smart to know that things will get out of control and we will become disposable chips for those damn thieves."

The woman squeezed her hand and walked to where Robert was, once she arrived she got on the ventilation system with her help, it was at that moment that footsteps could be heard heading towards the bathrooms.

Keeping calm, Robert went up the narrow tunnel while his daughter and the woman also began to advance, fortunately for him, the thief who was outside the bathrooms, first entered the men's bathroom.

Where kicking the cubicle doors he managed to find a young man in a corner covering himself with his arms so the thief hit him with the butt of his gun.

"Get your fucking ass to the local kitchen before I shoot you."

Robert, who was listening to everything, could only shake his head as he advanced through the ventilation duct, because he knew that after checking the women's bathroom they would realize that they were coming out through the roof, which would put their lives at risk.

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