Chapter Twelve
Back in England, the Carter manor had smoke billowing out of one window and screams could be heard from within. The guards tried their best to hold back the assailant but failed as they were being attacked by strange weapons that seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A single man calmly walked the corridors as anyone who faced him would collapse, bleeding from nearly every pore and gashing wounds. He would draw strange markings on flat surfaces and bizarre weapons would from the various from unrelated materials.

Ambrose was searching every room but could only find maids and nothing else. With every empty room that greeted him, the angier he got. The number of bodies left in his wake was becoming great but he only cared that he found Ariella. He finds a gaurd that was still breathing and grabs him by the collar, "Where are your master and Ariella?"

"They're not here?" the guard coughs out, "Must be in some closet getting their freak on-!"

Ambrose shuts the
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