Time: 22: 25: 39 PM

Location: Allen Road, VGC

The darkness enveloped the posh neighbourhood of Allen Road, VGC as Ben parked his sleek BMW a few houses away from PBOX no 2234. He had received a crucial update from the FBI about the whereabouts of a Chinese man who actually sold the virus Dando possessed. This time, he was on his own, without his partner Kelvin, whom he always considered like a son.

As he sat in the car, a sense of responsibility weighed on him. He wanted to protect Kelvin from the dangers they faced in their line of work, but he also knew that Kelvin was a capable agent who shared the same dedication to safeguarding their nation.

Gathering his resolve, Ben stepped out of the car, his heart pounding with adrenaline. The Chinese man's residence was guarded by two armed men, and Ben expected nothing less from someone involved in such dangerous and deadly activities. He knew he had to tread carefully.

With precision, Ben made a call to the FBI, requesting the house schemat
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