Kato leads the pack

Months passed since Kato became the alpha of the pack. Under his leadership, the pack had grown in numbers, and they had taken over more territory in the savannah. Kato was respected and feared by all the wolfs in the area, and he had become a legend among them. However, not everyone was happy with Kato's leadership. Some of the older alpha in the pack missed Zara and were resentful of Kato for defeating her. They began to spread rumors that Kato was not a true alpha, and that he had cheated in the fight with Zara. Kato knew that his position as the alpha was being challenged, and he decided to confront his critics. He called a meeting of all the wolfs in the pack, and he addressed them with a powerful roar. "My fellow alphas" he said. "I know that some of you are questioning my leadership. You think that I am not a true alpha, that I cheated in the fight with Zara. But let me tell you this: I won that fight fair and square. Zara fought bravely, but I was the stronger wolf that day
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