4 ratings


By: Shame_less007 CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 232 views: 11.4K

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Drake was transmigrated into another world that was full of mysterious origin. When he opened his eyes he felt that he was being carried away by someone and he even saw a few savage men throwing stones at them. What made him even more terrified was that he watched the group of people jump into a waterfall. Drake lost consciousness and when he woke up again he found two wild beautiful girls looking at him. But what made him even more stunned was that he somehow brought the cheating ring that was dropped by the final boss in the game that he was playing. Read the book to learn about the exciting adventure of Drake...

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CHEAT IN STONE AGE Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Alvin


    it was so good but I think it was a rushed ending I think it could have gone for a few more chapters

    2024-01-01 20:31:12
  • Alex


    Love it so far would prefer more chapters

    2023-10-09 18:49:41
  • Gipalena Hulee


    So far so good ... I’m in chapter 61 in the beginning is not much interesting but after that but afterwards its getting better its a good story ...

    2023-09-19 23:48:23
  • Gipalena Hulee


    I’ll try this book from you

    2023-09-18 00:59:01
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232 chapters
Inside The Cave
Inside a dark room.A teenage boy was sitting on a chair and playing a game that looked like a survival game.Taking a closer look at the room that had several broken keyboards and was used to vent the anger that he accumulated after failing to kill the final boss.Just listening to the continuous clicking sound of the keyboard and mouse would make people curse due to the noise pollution that the teenager was making.But sadly he was so engrossed that even if any person cursed him he wouldn't find out about it. As he was wearing a headphone and looking at the computer screen with bloodshot eyes." Left, right, right, down, up, jump, left, down, jump, jump"." L-13 DEBUFF BEAM"." Yes now finally the GH-3 grenade. This shit was made by me by grinding the last seventy-two hours just for this time. I hope you bitch can survive".After saying so the teenager looked at the screen with a malicious smile. There was a big boss that looked like a monster out of a horror movie. It had six legs
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Mysterious Ring
Drake gasped for breath and he heard the panicked voices of two girls," Drake are you okay?".Listening to the panicked voices, Drake took a deep breath and finally, he calmed his mind down. He looked at both the girls and said," Rose, Kana I am fine".After saying so Drake couldn't help lost in thought as he had transmigrated. He couldn't believe it but he knew that the pain was too real that he didn't want to experience it again. So he accepted the harsh reality and began to look at both the girls in front of him and asked with a look of confusion," Where are Tucker and Amelia?".Kana immediately had a look of hatred and began to narrate what happened during the time Drake was unconscious.Listening to the narration Drake said," It's okay. Since they have left then we must also leave this place".Rose said," Indeed, or else those Man eaters will find us".Drake almost shivered in fear when he thought of the previous experience. Fortunately, they escaped somehow.Then Kana asked with
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Abilities Of Mysterious Ring
In the next second, Drake said in a confident tone," Follow me and I will help you find the food".Looking at Drake's confident expression both Rose and Kana's expression changed. They both had suspicious expressions and then Kana asked," Drake how can you be so sure that what we are going to find is food Also how do you know that the fruit is edible or not?".Drake looked at Kana and replied with a mysterious smile," Let's make a bet if I find the food then you will do one thing that I want you to do".Kana's expression became curious after seeing the confident look on Drake's face. When she heard about the bet she thought for a second and replied," Okay".Drake smiled and said," Okay then follow me".Along the way, Drake found that this forest didn't have too many trees but many green grasses grew and he also found that there were red dots hidden inside.So he carefully led them without entering the red dots.Soon the group of three reached the tree.Then John pointed towards the tr
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Mysterious Bird
After getting the girls to promise Drake said," Let's go".The girls followed behind and while walking Drake asked," Kana fo you known to make fire?".Kana immediately glared and said," Don't you know making fire is the core secret of the tribe? No one will teach it to us".Rose also nodded her head and added," Indeed, asking about making fire was taboo in our tribe. So no one dared to question it. Of course but in bigger tribes, there are more than one people who know how to make fire".After saying so she stopped but Drake could see a trace of longing and envy in her eyes.Seeing this Drake asked with a confused expression," Can fire be helpful to us?".Kana looked at Drake and said," Of course it's helpful. You don't know the fire can keep us warm. We can dry our clothes if there was a fire and also we could cook food"." The most important function of fire is to keep dangerous animals away. So we can sleep peacefully".Listening to Kana's words, Drake decided to see if he could ma
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Crafting Spear
He also found out that the resources that he got after harvesting the tree were not inside the space slot. Instead, there was another icon on the top of the Crafting table. They were WOOD, STONE, FIBERS AND METAL.He could see four types of resources. The wood had the number 10 written on it and the Fibers had the number 3 written on it.Seeing this Drake got the general idea of the resources he had.In the next second, he decided to craft the Wooden spear.It required 1 wood to craft it.So Drake pressed on the craft option.Immediately under Drake's gaze, the wood resource was consumed by 1 point and there was an additional spear in his space bag.Looking at the spear Drake felt that now he could at least protect himself from the snakes.He also decided to explore the crafting table and he changed the weapon recipe to the resource craftable item.In this section, he found out that he could craft derivative resources.1 unit of wood resources can be used to craft 5 wooden sticks.1 u
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Magical Clothes
After three hours.Kana and Rose took turns harvesting 5000 Fibers.Looking at this Drake felt proud in his heart as he could easily consume the fibers to create a set of clothes for himself and the girls.The clothes required 50 fibers and 5-10 strings depending on the clothes for males and females.Seeing this Drake decided to create one for himself and the other for the girls. This time it would take five minutes to create the clothes so Drake gave the girls fruits to eat he also took a bite and said," I have surveyed the area and found that ahead of us is a vast grassland. We will get lost unless we can think of a way to clear the grass in front of us. Left to us is the bank of the river but hidden dangers are living inside the river. Finally the dense forest in front of us. Which one do you think is more suitable?".Rose and Kana looked at each other and then Kana said after taking a bite," Drake you are the head so you decide where would you take us?".Listening to Kana's words
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Level 2
Two hours later.Drake found that the star was finally going to set. The time for a full day was slightly longer than his previous world. He also found that the Small Camp had been built and now it could be placed anywhere he wished to.So he began to look for a suitable place and finally, he decided to place it below the big tree.After that, he also decided to make a fire stove. It cost him another 10 stone resources and 1 flint stone. So he began to craft it and found that it would take him 15 minutes to craft." Drake, what are you thinking about? Also, have you made the camp that you were talking about?".Rose looked at Drake and asked with a slightly hesitant expression.Kana also asked," Now that you say, it might be dangerous for us to live in the wilderness I have heard that during the night time, the wilderness is full of danger. Unless one can make fire or else they would be in constant danger from the beast that lurks in the dark".After saying so Kana's face turned pale
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Spear Fishing
Drake began to explore the map and found that there were no edible resources but there was various other information was added. He could see detailed information about four resources wood, stone, fiber, and metal. He could also filter it to not show it with a little thought. Even some new icons were added like the camp and two green dots that represented Rose and Kana. He could even see their level only. This made him feel relieved.So in the next second, he headed towards the river.He also saw that there were big red dots so Drake avoided the place and finally three hundred meters away from him, he found a safe place that had a fishing mark on the map.Seeing this spot, Drake was stunned and then excited. He decided to explore it and so he followed the map and soon reached the location.He found out that it was a small ditch filled with fish.Seeing this Drake immediately took out his spear and began to hunt them.With one strike he easily pierced a fish that looked silver in color
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Fire Stove
After speaking, Drake placed the fire stove in front of the small camp.He also found that as long as a wood would be put inside it would burn for two hours.Seeing this he put five wood inside the slot and then turned it on.While the girls watched Drake just placed the Fire stove and then he touched the fire stove for a second and withdrew his hand.After that, they found that the fire stove lit up magically. And then the fire was brightly lit so they could see each other faces.Both the girls had smiles and then they saw Drake take out three pieces of meat pierce them with a stick and begin to cook it on fire.Rose saw this and said," Drake I will be responsible for cooking the food".Listening to Rose's words, Drake nodded his head and then also took a look at the fire stove stats.FIRE STOVE ( TIER 0)- CAN BE USED TO LIGHT THE FIRE AND COOK FOOD.DURABILITY- 50/50This fire stove didn't have any skills. It made Drake feel a little depressed but he still cheered and then looked a
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Inside the tent, Drake found that it was very dark. At this time he lay down and both the girls slept on either his side.Drake felt that his lust was rising. He couldn't help but recall the naked figures of both girls.Just when he wanted to do something he suddenly heard a roar of beast.The roar was so loud that it made Drake's hair stand up.The girls also hugged Drake's arms to find some comfort.Darke at this time was looking at the map and he said in a low tone," Don't worry, there is no one near us".The girls relaxed a little. Fifteen minutes later.Finally Rose asked," Drake, Kana have you slept".Kana didn't reply as she had already fallen.So Drake said in a voice," Kana has already fallen asleep".Rose just hummed softly and then said," Drake thank you".Drake replied," You don't have to say anything".At this time Drake also found that those red dots near the camp had run away after they heard the roar.So he breathed a sigh of relief and then he heard Rose ask," Drake,
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