Chapter 17: Pyromania

After the battle, the pair was collecting blood and absorbing it as much they could in as little time possible. The reason for that was the lack of knowledge on when the fallen bird lord would return and the fact that from their latest fights, they had gotten some much higher quality blood than with these mere danger leveled beasts.

Jack was aware that he was almost at the 3 start awakened level. Thus, he tried gaining something with the creatures, but it felt as if the low-levelled energy the danger beasts could provide was only a drop in the ocean.

When he was done, Jack went to Laura and asked:

''Hey, ready to move on? I don't want to spend too long in here. This place gives me the creeps.''

She nodded, and they left the monster corpses behind, resuming their ascent in the great tower.

Jack kept the lighter on in one hand, despite his mistake in the previous fight, for Laura's vision was too good of a scouting tool to give up on. After all, it didn't matter if the beasts saw him if
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