The Battle Of One Night

"Join us, Ul Thera. And we shall rewrite the ways of this world. Segregations shall be cast away like little leaves under a fearsome wind by the reign of the red king! He shall replace order to the realm of men, a feat none of the four kings shall ever achieve!"

As Soatio raised his cracked voice to the hearing of all, his people made noises to echo his words. At every pause he made, they screamed into the night.

"Who best reign as king over the wizards? Over the witches? The night singers? The mortal men? Who best unite the world of magic with the fold of the ordinary folk? None I tell you! None! But Zathryon! The red king! The king of demons! He has return to save us all from the lust of mortal kings!"

As he said those things, his people howling in return, Ul Thera struggled to fight against himself.

There before him was a chance to reclaim all he had lost, an alliance that would forge the return of his abandoned hope. The fulfillment of a dream he had nurtured since his youthful da
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