Chapter 47

I woke up in a dark place of no more than three square meters. A conditioned cell, shackles on the hands and feet and unbearable heat.

Five days had passed since we arrived at Gardiners Island in virtuality, more than enough time for our bodies to have traveled from the old continent to New York in reality.

“Anyone there? I yelled.

The voice was lost in the echo of some facilities that seemed enormous.

"I'm here Vinci!" Greek replied. It seemed to be in the next cell. Where the hell are we?

“Dagon! Are you here? “I asked for.

There was no answer.

"Shit, Vinci, we have to get out of here now!" Greek yelled. I have my hands and feet tied, I can't materialize anything.

I discovered that virtuality could no longer be accessed, it was as if that part of my brain had been torn out. The automatism that allowed anyone to enter Allsium had been switched off.

Virtuality had passed into history and the New World had arrived.

But somehow, I felt powerful.

I took a deep breath and thought. In a te
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