Chapter 82: The Toy.

Three days have passed since Emersyn and her child were found dead in the car.

Currently, Ethan not only holds a debt of up to eight trillion, but the finances of the Alexander Corporation could be more stable. Many operations within the corporation have been suspended for a considerable time.

If it weren't for the organization's support, Ethan really wouldn't have been able to handle the corporation's debt. However, what bothered him most was not these issues but the sudden appearance of a man named Magnus Lane.

This man claimed to be the chairman of the Asian Traders Association and a significant shareholder of the Lane Corporation. Moreover, he held the debt related to the shares that Emersyn and her child had previously transferred to him.

Regarding this matter, Ethan was highly suspicious. How did this man named Magnus Lane appear at precisely this time?

Furthermore, the deaths of Emersyn and her child were a tightly held secret. Aside from a few related people like him and Rose,
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