Chapter 81: Leave First.

At this moment, two men jumped out of a car. One was holding a handgun, pointing at the head of a woman standing nearby. The other carried a rifle, aiming at a group of plain-clothes police officers surrounding them.

"Everyone stand still, and no one is allowed to move a muscle!"

The man with the rifle shouted. At the same time, the man holding the pistol started tightening his grip on the throat of the unlucky woman.

"Boss, do you want me to go and take care of them?"

For the two robbers, who were pointing their guns at others, especially threatening a woman who could not fight back, Rose felt extreme disdain. Therefore, she turned to Ethan and made her suggestion.

However, at that moment, Ethan suddenly spotted a familiar face in the crowd. He wasn't sure if there was a thread of fate that tightly bound them together, but every time trouble arose, Ethan always saw her next to him.

What was odd, though, seeing Audrey approach the robbers, Ethan's brows knitted together.

"Boss, did yo
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