194. First Born's Judgement

I, Temi, former Asoju of the Irunmole Society and ambassador to the Draconian Confederacy hereby write, in this official statement in my defense, that I do not regret my actions so far.

Nevertheless, it is not to your fault that I hold these things. I try very much not to dwell on what is past but in the same vein, the recent happenings have left me irked. So irked that I would rzae the heavens to get my vengeance. The one who cost me my pain, the Ascender and First Born of the abominations of Trixius. 

Fight and destroy every one of them until, at long last, my dignity is restored and the hand that struck me down is brought back in embers.

I, upon my honor, I shall have the head of the First Born. Maybe, only maybe by then, you may come to believe me. To believe the extent of the severity of the threat that


Mhm. Cold. Hey, goodnews, we rounding up book 2 already. How does that sound to you? Im excited.

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