
"I won. Holy shit I did it!"

Shinra fell to the ground in the courtyard, surrounded by bodies and blood but untroubled, finally.

He knew that this quest was going to be tough, as Tim wouldn't have made a penalty for non-completion. Wondered how bad that penalty would have been? After all if the system could make him stronger, it could also make it weaker right? He couldn't imagine losing any of the power and advantages he had gained. Or what if the system made him go blind as a punishment? Shinra shuddered.

His adrenaline had been high, but he was starting to feel his injuries now. He had been hit hard by that stone shard spell, and he was glad he didn't have a mirror to see how burnt up the rest of his body was. If it was anything like his hands, then he was going to need to spend a lot of money with a healer.

Money he didn't have. Couldn't go to the staff healer the sheriff's either, because they would note it and that there would be some uncomfortable questions about what he got up
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