A Threat To The Game

Jimmie couldn't be more delighted as he watches Carsen struggling against his created boundless monster. He never expected he'll be this entertained. He ordered the game operators to torture Carsen more.


Carsen spins his sword. The Mithril now changes in form. The sword becomes a spear.

"Time to hunt the predator!" he muttered.

Now, it's dawning on him what this creature is. He come to observe its physiology while he had a close combat a while ago.

The spearhead slid off the Throx's chest, cutting through the surcoat and leaving a long, bright scratch on the steel below. Metal screamed against metal.

A swift push from the Throx on Carsen's belly had little impact. He tried to dart him off but missed. Above its huge pointed hands, the long spear pierced the air. It flittered in and out like a serpent's tongue, feinting low and landing high, jabbing at the crotch, the hard body, and the eyes.

Good one! Carsen whispered to himself.

He had very little chance of missing y
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