Chapter 218: Nothing Catches My Attention Than Your Destruction

"Do you have a plan, Arnold?!" Xie Lu asked in a curious tone.

“Capture and kill the man named Lein! After that, we will attack the Anthony Family residence! We can't let them keep getting stronger! We must destroy them and take over the influence and power they have!" Arnold said in a cold tone.

Hearing Arnold's plan, Lein realized that his decision had been correct! He will destroy Antares to the smallest detail. Moreover, with the fact that they wanted to kill him, there was clearly no reason for Lein to let them continue to exist!

Hence, Lein immediately interrupted their conversation by saying, "That's a cruel plan indeed."

Hearing that, they immediately turned their gaze towards the source of the sound. Seeing Lein among Xie Lu's accomplices, they all frowned before Xie Lu finally said in a confused tone, "Who are you?! How could you be in this room?!"

Of course, Lein's presence shocked them greatly. Why were they completely unaware of his presence?!

Hearing that question, Lein
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