Chapter 220: Happy Family

When Lein arrived at the center of Cernel City, it was already 9 pm.

At this point, Lein decided to head to the Anthony Family residence to discuss the Antares he had just exterminated.

It didn't take long for Lein to arrive at the Anthony Family residence. His arrival was immediately warmly welcomed by the guards.

As soon as Lein arrived at the main door, he was greeted by Rylie, Albert, Lewis, Vincent, and Skylar. You could see the worried expressions they gave when they saw him, especially Rylie. Moreover, Lein returned using only a taxi, indicating that the problem he faced was so big that he had to lose his car.

At this point, Rylie immediately ran to hug Lein and said with a warm smile, "I'm glad you're okay, Lein. I'm glad you came back safe."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Rylie. Don't worry," replied Lein with a warm smile as he gently stroked Rylie's hair.

On the other hand, Lewis and Vincent also took long steps towards Lein, and Lewis immediately asked in a curious tone,Victor "How abou
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