Thirty three

Joanna came out of the office feeling dizzy since what happened was mind blowing. It felt like she was living in a dream world where anything was possible, but she still couldn't quite grasp the reality of it all.

Thirty million dollars was an extravagant hope but the other party directly gave out sixty million dollars like they were giving charity.

Like a pendulum, her thoughts swung back and forth between different possibilities.

She couldn't help but wonder that basic question – why did the Danforth Group easily accept her? Was she that kind of a lucky person?

Then she had a sudden recollection. Quentin Mellon.

Could he be the one?

She was there when he was talking to his father, could his father have maybe pulled the strings for her? Oh my God! It could be him!

But is it possible for the cooperation agreement to change because of them? How important are they in the Danforth Group that they would give attention to their requirement? She still found it surreal.

With one snap of the
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