
"I'll kill you! You are dead!!!"

Alves yelled as he kept falling and falling till THUD, his body hit the hot and thick surface of the body of lava.

"Oh Lord. Oh God. I'm dead."

He started to fight his way, trying to do whatever he could to get out of the thick and sticky body of liquid.

"Do something you fucking, Ri. Fucking do something! Where is the hidden weapon I would be able to use in a difficult time?"

In the middle of his bickers and yelling, something quite strange hit him.


For a moment, he stopped fighting and kicking.

"Wait a minute."

He pulled one of his hands out of the thick liquid.

"What's happening?"

He turned the sticky hand to this side and that side.

"Nothing is happening. No pain? No scar? No heat?"

He couldn't believe his eyes. He tried to move his body in the lava. He turned around and saw how fiery and scary the lava seemed from distance.

Moving to this side and that, he felt no pain. It felt like he was drowning in mud. Instead of a lava.

"Is thi
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