The architect.

"You've made your point."

A familiar voice came from behind him. He lifted his face buried in the neck of the giant. His face was decked in black blood of the giant. His nose stuffed, and his mouth was busy. Flesh hanging between the gaps of his teeth.

He wanted to plunge his face back in the neck of the giant,

"Enough, Jared. Enough!!!"

The voice which came this time was very much demanding and authoritative. Alves quickly rose from the giant, turning to the person who had just ordered him and referred to him by his name.


It was Akulia standing before him. Alves' finger was pointed at the fellow.

"Let's leave at once."

Akulia turned his back on Alves, walking away.

"Why did you randomly call me by my name?"

Though Alves was still in the form of the Ri, as a giant, yet the conscious mind that dominated the sense of his normal being was on point.

"Talk to me! Why?! Are you trying to pick a fight or what? I swear you don't want to take the smoke of this."

Akulia didn't stop.
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