Chapter 1481 I Love You, Dammit!

The next day, a fresh edition of Maggiezine came out with a photo of Angela very powerful and imposing, still with a kind smile, and the headline in bold letters: “It's definitive, meet the next Mrs. Rocha.”

At the Rocha mansion, in Angela’s private office, she smiles in wonder when she receives the copy from Lilian's hands, “See, Lilian, it's me! Josias authorized them to announce our engagement!”

“Congratulations, ma'am. You have shown yourself more worthy than the other.” Lilian comments.

“I appreciate your support and that of your husband.” Lilian opens the magazine to the indicated page.

The doorbell rings and Lilian goes to answer it. Angela is delighted with the magazine.

“The young Angela Sousa, a former resident of the Capital, came to Lagoon City looking for help to support her and Josias Rocha's son, David. When everyone thought Josias Rocha was dead, his wife at the time, Melissa Campos, generously decided to help. Now with Josias Rocha back and with the divorce between hi
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