Chapter 2146 Dating Request

Francisco and Rodrigo open Café Montanha and serve their customers with a renewed spirit. Ironically, they turn on the radio and Christina Aguilera's song “Falsas Esperanzas” goes against what they expect from Damascene Lawyers.

Isabel cleans the tables when Josias appears.

“Isabel, how are you? And the rest of the family?”

“Hello, Josias, we are better.” She beams, “Daryl went to apply for a lawyer at Damascene Lawyers to defend us.”

“I didn't listen to the interview.” He sits at the table that Isabel has cleaned.

“It was horrendous.” Isabel shakes her head, “Mr. Guzman wants to slaughter us. If he touches a hair on my grandson…”

“That won't happen, Isabel.” Josias scowls, “He'll have to deal with me first!”

“The problem is: cowardly people would never stand up to someone like you.” Isabel sighs, “They prefer to hit the helpless.”

Francisco appears with a pitcher of black coffee, “A little coffee, Josias?”

“Please, Francisco, and if you have toast...” Josias smiles again. There's not
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