Chapter 2334 Vaztrans

Days later, with Vera recovered and Elton going home, Maggie provided the cover story for Maggiezine. As agreed, the photo was taken in Wallace’s apartment, but no one realized that it was a Happiness Slum residence, due to the care that Rocha Constructions had in rebuilding the Teodoro building.

That edition and the edition that showed Josias and Melissa on the cover, announcing the return of the Rocha couple, proved to be the best-selling editions of 2003.

Access to the same news on the website also skyrocketed. Young people who did not have the money or desire to subscribe to the magazine looked for information on the Internet and shared it with their friends of the same age.

Meanwhile, Daryl and Diane felt left out again. They wanted to visit Vera to congratulate her and meet Elton, but her apartment was always full of Josias’s relatives and friends.

Until, one fine day, they took courage. Upon reading yet another article about them in the LCN newspaper, Daryl threw the newspaper
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