Chapter 2533 Until the Last Consequences
The day came when Helen had to return home, or rather, to Vernon’s apartment.

She is resting on the bed in the maid’s room, with Vernon, Elza, João Paulo, and Sandra around her. The maid’s room is not a spacious place, but everyone wants to know how Helen is recovering.

“Guys, don’t worry about me.” Helen smiles weakly, “I’ll be fine. I just need to rest.”

“Can we play with my dolls later, Helen?” Sandra asks with an angelic smile.

“Yes, Sandra, later... Now I’m going to get some sleep.” Helen caresses Sandra’s hair as if she were her mother.

Elza feels a lump in her throat, “Guys, let’s let Helen rest.”

“Count on us for anything.” Vernon blinks and leaves.

Elza and Sandra go out with him. João Paulo stays.

After the door is closed, João Paulo kneels and comes face to face with Helen.

“And then...” Helen swallows hard and her eyes get teary, “Are you going to look for an apartment for me? Or do you still need me to babysit your daughter?”

“I need you as the mother of my daugh
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