Chapter 2630 Felipe Is Being Exposed

At Crystal Blue, Cláudio is talking to Josias in the new owner’s office. Josias notices the new decoration.

“When you return the restaurant, Felipe will want to redecorate it to the old style in honor of his father.” Josias jokingly comments, “Do you want to bet?”

“No, I don’t want.” Cláudio responds dryly, “In fact, I wanted to talk about the incapable kid.”

Josias becomes serious and sits vis-a-vis. “What happened?”

“Felipe definitely doesn’t have the skills to prepare drinks. Customers complain, Felipe drops glasses, the ingredients aren’t checked in advance... the other day, he discovered that there was no lemon just when he went to prepare the caipirinha.”

“Oh, he promised to be excellent at managing the bar.” Josias is surprised, “What do you intend to do?”

“Josias, I thought about handing over the restaurant to him.” Cláudio falsely insinuates, “But now, with this situation, how can I leave the most famous restaurant in Lagoon City in the hands of the kid? I need to stay here.”
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