Chapter 2649 The Baby Shower With Too-Chic Gifts

At Café Montanha, Isabel and Francisco are questioning Rodrigo about what he wants for his future and that of his growing family.

“Son, be frank.” Francisco encourages him, “We have our opinion, but at the end of the story, it’s you who will make the final decision.”

Rodrigo, feeling convinced, takes a deep breath and responds, “Dad, I want to continue modeling the way I was before.”

Francisco and Isabel face each other.

Rodrigo continues, “I know I can get photos like Alan. At least I don’t want to risk something as obvious as Cláudio Guzman.”

“What’s wrong with Cláudio Guzman?” Isabel asks, still unaware of the commercial.

Francisco wrinkles his nose, “Don’t even know, dear. A little more and that guy will enter the adult cinema. Was that a perfume commercial?”

Isabel shakes her head, “I got it. It’s not o

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